12 Week Weightloss Challenge.

9 Jan


Along with getting in shape for the Color Me Rad 5km I have also decided to join a 12 week Weightloss Challenge, which starts this weekend. It is just a smaller group of local ladies, I believe about 40 have registered so far, that was an idea on Facebook and kind of went from there. We are each putting in some money and the winner of the challenge gets the moolah. I’m not doing it to win the prize, that would just be a bonus, I am doing it as it will be motivating to keep going. The idea of someone taking my measurements and weight is scary but I need that accountability if I fall off track. That was the reason I joined Weight Watchers in the summer, not for the meetings but to have someone take my weight so I couldn’t keep lying to myself. I am sad that I quit the weight watchers program, I was on a really good roll but then life happened and I stopped caring. I am thinking about joining up again but for now this challenge is what I need.

Color Me Rad, oh yeah, it’s happening!

9 Jan


So to help me stay on task I have added an excited element to my weight loss journey, I’ve registered for Color Me Rad!! For those that don’t know Color Me Rad is a 5K that fires off in a blaze of color bombs, color cannons, color mortars, and multi-toned courses. Each section of the run adds a new explosion of color to your clean, white running clothes until you cross the finish line into a final blitzkrieg of color. I am super stoked!! To keep me from walking half the time I have registered with my hubby who is training for a 22km marathon that will happen around that time. There is nothing wrong with a bit of friendly competition in a marriage…
So I have four months to get in shape, not just lose weight but actually get fit. Although I know I won’t hit my goal weight by then, I think just knowing that I have this scheduled and paid for will keep me motivated to stay on track.

Motivational Monday

31 Dec

I’m just about to head into the elliptical but I thought I would share some of my favorite motivational quotes. No I don’t feel like going on the elliptical tonight, yes I’ve had a rough day, but it doesn’t matter, it’s time to get ‘er done!


Obesity, and the things they don’t tell you about losing weight.

30 Dec

Great post!

Half Size Me

Obesity and what they don't tell you about losing weightIf you’re reading this, odds are you may be at a point that I was at earlier this year – overweight and starting to change (well actually for me, it was “morbidly obese” and starting to change). You’ve decided you’re going to start eating well and getting some exercise in an attempt to shed the kilos and get yourself healthy. Good! That’s one of the smartest decisions you’ll ever make. And it’s totally possible and achievable – whether you’ve got 10kg to lose or 100kg to lose. You can do it and you will do it.

We all know that obesity is a rising problem around the world. In Australia, rates of obesity have doubled in the last decade. 3 in 5 Australian adults are now considered overweight or obese – more than 12 million people. And that doesn’t take into account childhood obesity, which is also a rising problem.

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First workout: check.

30 Dec


I had my first workout last night and it was good. No, it was great. Sure it was hard work and I sweated my butt off but it gave me such a rush.

 I used to go on the elliptical daily and would watch a tv series but I stopped the workouts when I was eight months pregnant and never got back into doing it as a daily routine. I did it occasionally. Very occasionally, like maybe ten times since I had my son. He is now 16 months old. I’m not sure why I stopped, well I know why I stopped, being eight months pregnant and then later having a c-section to recover from. But I’m not sure why I didn’t get back into the daily workout routine when I could. I even bought myself a new elliptical for my 30th birthday in hopes of being inspired or motivated to start. Oh well, I cannot change the past, just work on the future.
I started a new tv series last night and used my new headphones, both Christmas presents, thanks hubby’s mom! Now I can actually hear what the actors are saying over the elliptical, not that the elliptical makes much noise but having a nursery right next to the office where I workout doesn’t make it possible to have the volume super high. So now I’m hooked on a new series, seven seasons long, hopefully that will keep me motivated. No, I’m not going to share what series, I actually am a bit embarrassed, haha. Okay, just don’t tell anyone: I’m watching the Hills, shhhhhh. Yes, I like watching teenage drama while I’m working out, I’m not sure why but I do. Whatever works I guess. A few years ago I watched the entire series of The OC and One Tree Hill, quickly doing the math it was over 13,000 minutes of elliptical time. Not too shabby. I’m hoping that I can do this again. I mean, I can do this again. I know I can so I’m just going to get it done. End of story.
Starting weight: 238.4
Current weight: 233.8
Weight lost: 4.6 pounds

Worth it

30 Dec

Worth it

Hard work, determination, I will get there.


It’s go time!

29 Dec

It's go time!

I’m back. As promised.

26 Dec

So the day is upon me. December 26, the day I started the journey to change my life. I woke up feeling fat, bloated and ready. I’m done being fat. It’s funny for the last day or two I was having little arguments in my head, maybe day one should be December 29, after I’m done all the family dinners, maybe day one should be January 1, after I’m done with all the celebrations. January 1 is a good day to start, a fresh year. But no, I decided a few weeks ago that December 26 is day one and it is going to be. No more excuses and days of gluttonous eating. I’m done. Finished. Today I am going to turn it around. Time to eat healthy and start working out. I got headphones and a few tv series yesterday to watch while I am sweating it out on the elliptical. I’m doing this. Not tomorrow or the next day but today.

I had a aha moment yesterday, it came while I was opening presents. My family and husbands family never get me clothes, I always tell them not to as I like to pick out my own stuff. Well yesterday I was at my in-laws opening presents and I ripped off the paper to find pjs from the grandparents. Immediately I started panicking, “how do they know my size?” “what size would they guess I am?”. Never mind the fact that my loving grandma took the time to look for something I would like, instead of just giving me money. She put thought into this present and I wasn’t even thinking about that, selfishly. I was praying that I would see a L or a XL. I held up the pjs and glanced at the tag nonchalantly. I was mortified: 2XL.
Is this how other people seen me? I thought I was doing a good job hiding my weight. It didn’t matter that I was wearing a 2XL dress at the time and the fact that these pjs would actually fit me. I smiled said thanks and put it back in the box. I guess you can’t hide 235 pounds, my little secret was out. The whole event was like a little black cloud that followed me the rest of the day, I was self conscious and constantly tugging at my clothes for the rest of the night. How selfish of me! I’m embarrassed by what my thoughts automatically went to, the size, not the time and energy that went into buying the present.
Now fast forward to today: I woke up fat, bloated and ready to start this.
Starting weight: 238.4
Current weight: to be updated weekly

If the pants fit…

10 Dec
Well the pants fit. Unfortunately not my skinny pants, rather my fat pants, you know the pair that people keep after they’ve lost a bunch of weight to see how far they have come. Yes, those ones. -.-
*Disclaimer: if you are reading this and looking for inspiration look no further, this post is not for you.
I don’t really know what to write, hence my lack of posts lately. I’m way off track, unmotivated and uninspired to lose weight. Why? I don’t know. I really can’t tell you. I want to lose weight but after day one comes a few days of bad days and the cycle repeats. Over and over. Now we are entering in to the holiday season. Awesome. If I can’t stay on track during the rest of the year how am I going to stay on track during this glutton-fest I’ll call Christmas. Do I want to start and then get depressed when I fail? And I can guarantee that I will, me and my willpower are not getting along. At all. Do I say screw it and start January 1 or start today and deal with the ups and downs? Three weeks of good or bad. Don’t get me wrong I loooove the holiday season but I know that I won’t be able to start or stay on track during this period. Excuse? Probably. The good news is that I am asking for workout equipment for Christmas and some tv series that I can watch while on the elliptical. I know I can do this. But not now. Do I want to be the typical person walking into a gym on January 1 with high hopes of a New Years resolution to get in shape? Who cares. As long as it happens. So as much of an excuse as it seems I’ve decided that December 26 will be my day one. Love it, hate it, it’s what will work for me and in the end that is all that matters. Everyone else staying on track during these next few weeks I applaud you. I wish I was stronger.
Ever since my grandpa died I have lost all motivation. Yes, the motivation will hit me in waves for a day or two but overall it’s not there. I can’t blame his death for my failures and I don’t. I’m just struggling with him not being here. Every day I miss him more and more. You would think that death of a loved one would make you want to get in better shape and to live each day to its fullest but to me it is the opposite. It feels like there is a void in my life. I push through each day trying to be a good wife, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, employee, friend, etc. In the process I’ve lost myself. And it’s sad when that happens. So I need to find myself. Me.
Wishing everyone a happy holiday! I will be back posting after Christmas. At least it’s not the New Year. I need to get a week head start on all the New Years resolutions out there after all.

Feeling defeated.

20 Nov

Feeling defeated..